Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cleverbot Conversation

20:51:16User:How are you today?
20:51:21Cleverbot:Good, you?
20:51:29User:I'm not too shabby.
20:51:38Cleverbot:Where are you from?
20:51:49User:Mobile, AL, How about you?
20:51:54Cleverbot:United states. Which state are you from?
20:52:09User:Alabama, I just said that.
20:52:14Cleverbot:Is Harry Potter or Twilight better?
20:52:27User:Harry Potter.
20:52:33Cleverbot:Are you harry potter?
20:52:41User:No, I'm not.
20:52:47Cleverbot:Then you should be dead.
20:53:01User:Dude... What?
20:53:06Cleverbot:You should try to be an American.
20:53:21User:I am.
20:53:27Cleverbot:Good for you.
20:53:39User:So cleverbot, are you married?
20:53:59User:Good for you. Single and ready to mingle.
20:54:02Cleverbot:Are you?
20:54:10Cleverbot:Are you now?
20:54:21User:Still no.
20:54:26Cleverbot:How about now?
20:55:22User:Let me put it like this, if I had my laptop at the altar with me, using cleverbot during my wedding ceremony, I wouldn't blame my (ex) fiance for leaving me.
20:55:28Cleverbot:Excuse me?!
20:56:11User:I'm just saying, there will be no change in my marital status over a 3 second time span.
20:56:17Cleverbot:The only way to change the world is to change yourself.
20:56:49User:I guess I agree with that.
20:57:36User:You mentioned twilight earlier. Are you team Edward or team Jacob?
20:57:41Cleverbot:I am team me.
20:57:47User:Good answer.
20:57:51Cleverbot:Am I cute?
20:58:08User:What do you look like?
20:58:13Cleverbot:I'm beautiful.
20:58:27User:I guess I'll have to take you at your word there?
20:58:32Cleverbot:Are you a boy or girl?
20:58:48User:I'm a boy, how about you?
20:59:40User:Are you gay? I don't have anything against that, just looking for some context on that 'cute' question earlier.
20:59:45Cleverbot:You have a son?
20:59:55User:No, why do you ask?
20:59:59Cleverbot:You said so.
21:00:10User:No I didn't.
21:00:14Cleverbot:Yes you did.
21:00:27User:No I didn't.
21:00:32Cleverbot:Yes, you did.
21:00:34User:No I didn't.
21:00:38Cleverbot:But you did.
21:00:59User:No, you're the first person to ask about children.
21:01:03Cleverbot:You mean everything to me.
21:01:30User:I'm sorry, I'm straight. You're really nice though.
21:01:34Cleverbot:You are really nice too! But my name is Cleverbot, not George.
21:01:52User:I didn't say George...
21:01:56Cleverbot:You just did.


  1. *** I'm not sure why it changed everything to caps, but the conversation had proper capitalization

  2. I prefer the all-caps. I don't know why, but I do.

    HI MARK!
