I have to say, my uninformed prejudice about the show was much more forgiving than my informed opinion is.
Wow, this is bad.
No, really bad.
The remainder of this entry will be my spewing whatever comes into my head as I watch the last 15 minutes of the second episode.
Pink eye, rofl
What time is it? Could the answer be time to get drunk? Seems it always is.
Good god, "Situation". That is not the drink of a man. Or the haircut of a man. Or the fashion sense of a man.
This background music blurs the line between "romance" and "got drunk and hooked up," spoiler alert, it's always the rather
Pauly D, meet me at camera 2: Going after a girl with a girlfriend makes you a scumbag under any definition.
OMG, Ronny/Sammy/The Situation love triangle DRAMA
The really sad thing is that I've already decided I'm on team Ronny
Snooki hasn't been on screen in a while, she must be up to something
Omg, shit's about to go down, stand by
Omg, douche fight
I'm sorry Pauly D, how could they kick you out of the club after that
No, Mike, not everyone loves The Situation, and you can't make me.
No, I don't think you're a sweetheart either
I actually kind of like Angelina. I mean she's being horrible to her roommates for no good reason, but The Situation has it coming for some reason or other
Best threat ever "Yo, I will cut your hair while you're sleeping" and yes, that was to a guy
Team Ronny Wins!
The Situation: Don't try to look sad, it just looks douchey, but like a different shade of douchey.
Oh God, a montage
Oh The Situation, how did you not hook up with Sammi
And roll credits
This has been a moving day on the Jersey shore
Oh wait, Angelina is the one who didn't understand that a workweek is more than one day, I take back all good things I said about her
This is not music. I'm not old, it's just not music.
That's it for now
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